Workers Compensation
If you answered yes to any of the above questions give HR Experts a call today for a free consultation.
What solutions do we offer?
Workers Compensation management requires specific industry knowledge to ensure effective management.
HR Experts can impact your bottom-line! See below for further information about what we can do to help.
Identify an individual injured worker’s requirements by discussion with the worker, the treating doctor and other treating practitioners.
Work alongside the insurer to develop an injury management strategy.
Determine appropriate suitable duties and aid the return of the injured worker.
Formulate a return to work plan to document suitable duties and work restrictions to ensure that all parties are informed and manage the return to work process.
Main point of contact for all matters relating to the injured worker.
Monitor progress in treatment, rehabilitation services and return to work plans.
Maintain confidential case records.
Liaising with your insurer regarding workers
compensation benefits to injured workers.
Workers Compensation Services
In our experience we find that insurers develop policies based on their interpretation of the legislation. Generally speaking insurers adapt a best practise approach within their policies. More often than not the employees of the insurance company are not familiar with the raw legislation but rather the company’s policy. This creates much grey area which could impact your bottom-line negatively. HR Experts can manage this role within your business on a full time basis or on an as needed basis. Make an enquiry for additional information. HR Experts can impact your bottom line!
There are approximately 100,000 policies in every major state of Australia and just under 600 industry rates to classify your business under. This, combined with the insurer’s lack of in depth knowledge of your business and heavy workloads, quite often result in the selection of a tariff rate that is applicable to your business but perhaps not the most commercial tariff rate to apply to your policy. In many businesses not only one tariff rate applies. Quite often, two rates apply and this could result in more cost effective policy/premium.
Generally an estimate is assigned to a claim in accordance with Work Cover/Work Safe guidelines and this is not critical when the policy renewal date is far-off. When is an estimate critical? An estimate is critical two months prior to renewal date. Estimates must be reviewed for the following reasons:
Assigned estimates impact your premium significantly and are generally not adjustable after the renewal date has passed.
Work Cover / Work Safe guidelines are just that, guidelines. With reasonable evidence claim specific estimates are obtainable.
Experiencing constant change of your case manager? Does your case manager come across inexperienced? Do you feel like your case manager is not giving your business the time it deserves? Are your Payroll or HR staff too busy to interact with doctors, specialists and injured workers? HR Experts hold industry knowledge and experience to get your workers back to work sooner rather than later by using our specialist providers to achieve the greatest results for your business. Knowing when to use the right investigations and independent medical opinions is critical!
Is your business responsible for the injury? Did the worker have a pre-existing medical condition? Was the worker in a motor vehicle accident? Is the worker claiming a stress disorder? HR Experts can assess your liability and help determine your level of liability!
Health Checks
HR Experts can provide Health Checks as needed. This involves a complete review of your Workers Compensation claims and premiums. A report is provided highlighting areas of concern and strategic recommendations. Health Checks can help avoid unnecessary costs and return workers to work sooner rather than later.